ニューロダイバーシティアワード 応募フォーム



【エントリー期間】~ 9月29日(日)


<Neurodiversity Awards Application Form>

As part of the Neurodiversity Project, we are hosting the Neurodiversity Award to promote and advance the awareness of neurodiversity.

This award aims to discover "new possibilities" in neurodiversity through innovative ideas, technologies, products, and events.

Entry Period: Until September 29 (Sunday)

The award winners will be decided and announced at the award event on October 12 (Tuesday). 

We look forward to receiving applications from a wide range of participants, including students, researchers, and businesses.

企業・団体名 / Company Organization Name
担当者名 / Contact Person's Name
担当者メールアドレス / Contact Person's Email Address
応募部門 / Application Category





Please choose one of the following categories to apply for:

Research and Development Category
Seeking cutting-edge research and technologies related to neurodiversity 

Social Implementation Category
Seeking projects that have successfully implemented technologies, products, or events related to neurodiversity in society and achieved concrete results are sought. 

Idea Category
Seeking ideas for projects, events, research, and products that contribute to the promotion and awareness of neurodiversity. 
応募タイトル / Application Title
概要 / Summary
Approximately 500 Japanese characters / 250 english words. 
Please feel free to describe the overview, objectives, implementation methods, and expected impact of your submission.
関連URL① / Related URL①
ウェブ, レポート、動画など、関連するURLをご記入ください。
Please provide any relevant URLs, such as websites, reports, or videos.

関連URL② / Related URL②
ウェブ, レポート、動画など、関連するURLをご記入ください。
Please provide any relevant URLs, such as websites, reports, or videos.

関連URL③ / Related URL③
ウェブ, レポート、動画など、関連するURLをご記入ください。
Please provide any relevant URLs, such as websites, reports, or videos.

関連URL④ / Related URL④
ウェブ, レポート、動画など、関連するURLをご記入ください。
Please provide any relevant URLs, such as websites, reports, or videos.
関連URL⑤ / Related URL⑤
ウェブ, レポート、動画など、関連するURLをご記入ください。
Please provide any relevant URLs, such as websites, reports, or videos.
関連URL⑥ / Related URL⑥
ウェブ, レポート、動画など、関連するURLをご記入ください。
Please provide any relevant URLs, such as websites, reports, or videos.
添付資料① / Attachment①
※添付資料は5GBまでです。エラーが生じる場合は、info@neurodiversityawards.org までファイルをお送りください。
※ファイル名は 団体名_応募タイトル でお願いします。

  • If you have any explanatory materials related to this project, please submit them.
  • Attachments can be up to 5GB. If you encounter any errors, please send the files to info@neurodiversityawards.org.
  • Please name your file as follows: OrganizationName_ApplicationTitle.

添付資料② / Attachment②

添付資料③ / Attachment③